poniedziałek, 13 października 2014

Black Cat- my new friend

Hello people! (I'm a batman cat). I've got a new friend. She is black and she is a cat. I don't know her name, so it would be easier to call her Black Cat. She is very friendly, I met her in the street next to mine. She often says ,,meow'', just like me. I say also ''purr'', but she doesn't. I don't know why. It's such a beautiful word, isn't it? Anyway, I can't wait for Christmas. Do you belive, that it's only three months left? I love winter.
Bye bye : )


Notice from somebody ,,they called me Forever Alone''


Hello. I am fine. Today I have found out that when the light is very bright my eyes look as if I had no irises. Haha, strange. Ok, I don't care. There was a nice weather yesterday, but today it is very cold and windy. But I like when it's cold and windy.  I was bored, so I started to do strange things like running around the room and scratching the sofa. And I wanded to climb the TV set (because it's great for climbing., it's on the shelf and it's quite big and flat). So I climbed and then I jumped on the TV set, but I was too fat to do it with grace so I didn't manage and I was dangling at the edge, haha.
I hope you like my stupid adventures.

Hello Autumn!

Hello. How are you? I am ok. Autumn has started. It's cold and it's raining. I like rain. But I don't like when birds aren't walking on my fence, because it's raining and I can't look at them. I like to look at birds. They are so funny. I look at them trought the window. I like when leaves are falling
and everything is very colorful. Not yet.

Bye. Kopytko.

wtorek, 24 czerwca 2014


Hi! It's 24th June. You know what is coming? Everybody knows! Holidays! So I am very happy! 
I will not be writing my blog in the summer. But don't worry, I'm back in September! So I wish You all happy holidays and a lovely time with no school.  I know that nobody leaves comments here, but I know someone reads this blog because I can see it :D I have discovered your secret, haha :) Goodbye!
Best wishes, Hania :D 

wtorek, 10 czerwca 2014

404 error

Hello! How are you today? I am fine. It's very hot today! I like when it's hot, but not THAT much. I prefer room temperature, haha. I also like cold days, but not too cold. Running, playing and doing any other activities in that heat is impossible. But it's better than when the weather is cold. Heat has also got it's beautiful part - if it's hot, it means summer and holidays are coming! For cats it doesn't mean anything special, because they can do anything they want everyday. But students, for example Julia, has got a real paradise! No school, no homework, no grammar, no getting up early! Lovely time!


wtorek, 3 czerwca 2014


HELLO! How are you? Hahaha. Today I will answear ten questions. If you want to know answears for other questions - you've got a problem, because I will answear only these questions. Let's go!
1. What's your favourite food?
Well, I like every food which is edible.
2. Are you really a cat?
3. Who takes your photos?
My private photographer.
4. How often do you say "meow"?
Often enough, but I often say "Purrrr".
5. Do you live in a city or in a village?
I live in a village. But not in the village like you think. It's a big village.
6. What's your favourite fruit?
Nah, I hate healthy food, fruit and vegetables, so I haven't got a favourite fruit, haha :)
7. What do you dream about?
I dream about the world which is made of food. Clouds would be of a cotton candy, houses of cookies and other stuff etc.
8. Is your blog popular?
I don't care! :)
9.  What's your favourite plant?
Cat-food plant? Is there anything like that?
10. How do you see your future?
Maybe something like this:

And that's all. Here are some photos of me:

I like readers of my blog :)

wtorek, 27 maja 2014

Do I like my name?

HI! I like my name. Or I don't. I don't know. My family didn't give me that name. I am from an animal shelter and people from that shelter called me so. My owner didn't want me to be confused. She thought that giving me another name would make me crazy. I wouldn't know which name is really mine. So I am Hania. I think this name fits me, but I don't know if I really like it. Yes, my name could be worst, but it could be better, too. So my name could be for example Hermenegilda (such an ugly name, ble, I have never wanted and I will never want to have such a terrible name), or it could be nicer, for example Sassy:)
ByE :)

wtorek, 20 maja 2014

My Birthday :)

Hello! It was my birthday on 17th of May. My family wished me Happy Birthday and gave me my birthday cake :) It was made from tuna :) I like it. I also got a fluffy mouse, it's great.
Nice weather today. It's hot and sunny. And it isn't windy, how nice! Sky is blue, trees are green and there are no clouds in the sky. Poor Jula, she's at school everyday. 

wtorek, 13 maja 2014

Two cats fighting? On MY garden?!

Hi. How are you?  I am very, very bad today. One day I told you about the Greedy Cat, do you remember? Yes, so yesterday this cat was fighting with another cat in my garden! It's a rabble! Not only he walks in my garden, but he also brings his friend (or enemy?). How rude! It's my garden, isn't it? I don't care that they haven't got their own gardens,  it's my garden and I don't let them enter it. Maybe I am selfish, but I am the only cat in this garden. It's mine! :O
~ Batman cat, Hania : )


In this picture I look like a Godzilla, hehe. : D

poniedziałek, 5 maja 2014

Mountains, mountains!

HI! There was a long weekend in Poland (For people who don't know- I am from Poland). We went to Świeradów-Zdrój. It's in the mountains. There was a nice hotel, but the food wasn't very good. There was a swimming pool, too, but I didn't swim, because I'm a cat (or Batman, you still don't know), but Julia swam. It was my first time in there, but Julia has been in the mountains many times. There was also a playground, a cafe and a restaurant, but, as I said, the food was bad. There wasn't anything for cats and Julia didn't like the food, too. Anyway, that's all for today. Bye!

poniedziałek, 28 kwietnia 2014

Something about Easter

Hi people (because I'm not a human, don't you know? Haha. Maybe I am. Or not. You don't know for certain who writes these posts,  so  you can't be sure. But I know. Strange, don't you think so? Maybe I am a human, maybe I am a cat, maybe I am a bat and maybe I am a Batman! I haven't said that I am a Batman. I have just said, that you have never seen me and Batman in the same room...)
There was Easter. I like it. Who doesn't like Easter? Kids search for chocolate eggs, and when they find them, they eat them. Anyway, I haven't got anything else to say. Bye!
~ Batman (or Hania)
(It's not me, because not)

czwartek, 10 kwietnia 2014

I like pandas

HI! I am a cat. So I am an animal. But who says I can't like other animals? They are better than people. So I like pandas. They are so cute like a fluffy panda :D They are so nice. They are black and white. Well, If I could be a human I would buy a panda. Or two pandas. Or three. Or a ZOO with five thousand pandas!!! They are cute, aren't they? But I'm not a human, so I can't buy even one panda. You're strange, that you haven't got pandas, just dogs, cats, hamsters... BOOOORING!!! At your place, I would buy a panda. Anyway, don't buy them. All the pandas are MINE!

(Images are from weheartit.com)

czwartek, 3 kwietnia 2014

Arbuz is digging holes

Hi everybody! (or "Hi no one" because no one is reading this blog, you're just disappointing humans, it's very rude). Anyway, today I will tell you about something what upsets Julia's dad very much. Arbuz is digging holes in our garden. Our family asked him not to do it, but he still is. This way, he is destroing plants. Poor, little plants.
I am talking about one of my two friends. But what about Zyzio? He is healthy and when it is warm (it happens very often now) he is outside  in his big cage.
Bye : )

czwartek, 27 marca 2014

What I dislike part two!

Hello everybody! Spring is here and the weather is beautiful. Today I will post "What I dislike part two" :) I hope you'll like it. I'm a cat, so I don't like many things. These are some of them:
- Mushrooms. I don't like them. Some of them are edible, but there are also many which aren't. They stink badly and they grow in all the forests. I don't know why people like mushrooms, there are lot of better things to eat. :o
- Teenagers. NOT ALL OF THEM, but most. They are stupid, noisy and they think they are so adult. "Hey, look at me, I'm 14 years old, I'm so adult, I drink beer, and throw rubbish on the sidewalk!" haha :)
I am going to make a new look of the blog. Bye!

czwartek, 20 marca 2014

What I dislike

Hello! Today I will show you a list of people, animals and things which I don't like. You don't even know, how joyful it is for me! My list of things that I don't like is very long and it could take my all day to present it, so I will show you only a part of it. 
- A man who walks his dog in our street. He is greedy, bossy, nasty and stupid. Why? Maybe because of that: When I was walking on our street one day his dog started barking at me and I didn't want to go home. Then the man said: ,,Get out awful cat! My dog bites lot of cats! It can even  bite off your tail!". So now you can see. He is so stupid, isn't he?
- Cactuses. They are plants, but they have got thorns. So why do people keep them at home?
-Garlic dips and the greedy cat. You know these stories. Garlic dips are dangerous, you remember?
That's all for today. Maybe there will be part two. Bye!

czwartek, 13 marca 2014

First leaves

Hello! Have you seen spring? I have! Today, when my family members were at school and at work I was in the garden and in the forest. Guess what! I saw first leaves this spring! They were on the young tree next to the postboxes on our street. I also saw tulip's buds, crocuses, snowdrops, green plants and bugs! I like catching them. They are funny and they buzz. Spring is my favourite season! Today it was really warm and the weather was beautiful. One thing I don't like in spring is that I am shedding.

czwartek, 6 marca 2014

My winter break

Hi! There was a winter break for two weeks from 17.02 to 28.02. My family went to Austria for one week. I wasn't alone, because Arbuz and Zyzio were with me, and Julia's grandparents came to us every day to feed us, give us water, let us out and go with Arbuz for the walk. Most of the time I was sleeping, eating and washing myself. I found the best place to sleep- a box for scarfs and caps! It is warm and cosy. A few times I was in the garden, because it was getting warm and green. I like watching plants growing. 
In the second week Julia and her brother were at home. Their mum and dad were at work. I played with my stuffed mouse. Julia played with me, too. A few times Julia's friends came to her.
 I can't download pictures on this post. Sorry!

niedziela, 9 lutego 2014

I am naughty?

My family said, that lately I've been very naughty. I don't agree!Yes, I have scratched the carpet, I have stolen some slices of ham and I was meowing all the night, because I wanted food. And they think it is being naughty! So they have never seen a real naughty cat. It isn't fair, that they always show me the door, when I am running and jumping on their leather sofa.

The greedy cat

Hi! Today I will tell you about a really greedy cat. Why is it greedy? It keeps walking in my garden. It's big, and this is a grey tabby. I often stand on the window sill and look on it. I don't like it. It's my garden. I am meowing and hissing on it, when I am looking throught the window. Before my family had noticed this cat they thought that I was strange. They also said, that maybe I had a depression. Well, if it still walks in my garden I may have it. I think about going to the garden and showing it the gate, but it is too big. What am I going to do?

czwartek, 30 stycznia 2014

Julia's birthday

Hi there! ♥ 
Julia had her Birthday last Saturday. It was really fun. I like rabbit cupcakes best. Julia with her mum made them. It isn't a cupcake made from a rabbit, it's a cupcake which looks like a rabbit! It's made of vanilla cream and sprinkles. They didn't allow me to eat the cupcakes, so I helped myself. ;) It was yummy. 
Julia's friends came here. There weren't a lot of them, just three. They are friendly. They don't talk loudly and they don't rush on me screaming "Caaaaat!". They just pet me. :) 
And finally there is snow, yay! But I have lost the interest to go outside. My family put the bird feeder outside the house and the birds are coming there to eat in great quantity. I am observing them through the window, but I don't really want to go outside and hunt them. It's too cold!

wtorek, 14 stycznia 2014

How was my Christmas?

Hi! I haven't added any post for a long time. But we have had a Christmas break :)
Christmas was really nice. I got... a toy with feathers! It was my dreamt gift! It has got lots of colorful feathers and ribbons! Julie sometimes plays with me, but I can play with  it on my own :D I haven't got photos of it, but maybe I will add some in the next post. Julie got her dreamt gift, too. What did she get? Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 and a hoodie with Pusheen :) Arbuz and Zyzio got presents, too!
What about New Year's Eve? Oh, trust me, I REALLY hate this celebration. Too many noisy people, fireworks, firecrackers... For people it can be pleasant, but I'm a cat, not a human.
There is still no snow :c
How was your Christmas and New Year's Eve?